What Every New Internet Subscriber Should Know About Home Connectivity And Networks

With internet connectivity becoming nearly essential for homes and businesses alike, there's a lot to consider. Unfortunately, as the internet and computer networks become more commonplace, so does the misinformation that abounds about the use of both. Before you set up your first home internet connection and network your computers together, it's important that you know the truth behind some of the most commonly repeated beliefs about internet connectivity and home networking. [Read More]

What Is Colocation And How Can Your Business Benefit From It?

In today's fast-paced, highly competitive environment, your small business needs all the advantages it can get, especially when it comes to securing the bandwidth to handle all of your data requirements. That means looking outside of the box when it comes to hosting and managing your data. Hiring the services of a colocation facility is one such way of dealing with ever-changing technical needs. Okay, So What Is Colocation? Large enterprises can afford to host their own servers in their own data centers using their own IT teams. [Read More]